this is the house where Anne of green Gables lived in the story by Lucy Maude Montgomery. It is located in the town of Cavendish, which is along the north shore of the island.
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WOW! That's really cool--- green gables and all! I loved that story--read it several times. I'd like to go there.
It really has green gables. What a beautiful house. Yes a great story. Charlotte also loved it but I regret to say she was into the TV series of it which we kept on tape and still have. She watched it time and time again. Reading a book was not easy for her with her dyslexia.
I have dyslexia too, but luckily for me, I can read OK and love to read but the movie was good, too.
My dyslexia is fairly mild, but still plagues me.
I loved reading Ann of Green Gables too, I imagined the house to be so much smaller - actually we had the tv series here in NZ too !!! - it had the wonderful actress who had suffered a stroke in real life - she played the part of one of the sisters who took Ann in. For once the series was exceptionally good - there is so little on tv which is worth watching these days
We got rid of our TV--so of course, we never watch TV--but I think we may occasionally miss something good. Mostly we read.
I didn't realize the house was so big either.
remember this is the tourist spot but I believe they used this house in the series.... we missed seeing exactly where Lucy Maude Montgomery actually lived. But she and her husband moved to Ontario for many years...
I don't know if I ever saw the series. I wonder if it's available on DVD.
so mary how do you keep a teenage happy in this day & age with no tv?
Sorry. I wasn't specific enough! WE don't have a TV, but HE has one--in his room. We can't watch it in there because there is no where for us to sit. (His room is a disaster!)
And there was me thinking he was the perfect teenager who kept his room tidy, read books instead of watching TV, practised his piano and did his homework on time.
me too, wondering how the heck you have a teenager with no tv, BUT now I get it, as to the disaster room, well..... its a common trait in teenagers but rest well when they move out they sometimes become fanaticla about the tidiness of their place, (maybe the girlfriend helped)..
LOL! I can dream, can't I? Wish and hope?
Today, he told his piano teacher he wants to quit piano! WAHN! She said NO, no quitting until after the recital and THEN they could talk about it.
That would be such a shame. AT least with no tele you are being spared the news of the Royal Wedding.
We're spared a lot of news! All kinds of $#!^ from the USA and elsewhere--but then again, we don't know what's going on--or==at least I don't.
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