Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Not a flower Julia Flower

I "made" this on FractalWorks, thanks to Andree for turning me on to it. Then I fiddled with it on Photoshop a little, including posterizing it a little. It is the 3D view of a portion of a Julia fractal flower. FractalWorks is only available for Macs--and it is a real time sink because it is endlessly fascinating. I'd like to get that fractalizing filter for photoshop. What is it called? I don't have ANY of the cool filters. I just wanted to share this and to say that I am alive and well and took a ZILLION pictures at tthe Ford Museum and havne't had time to post any yet. Not sure if I should post them to themes somewhere or family friends and travel or? I also took some more water droplet pix.


Katie J said...

Couldn't figure out what you meant by fractal flower so looked it up. This was my favourite one:

Yours looks like material at first I thought it was the inside of a hot air balloon! I'm not surprised that (just got interrupted will come back to it)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I made LOTS of these, fooling around for the fun of it--I sent the one that looked closest to a real flower.

Some look like snowflakes, insects, spirals etc.

Katie J said...

Does look like fun indeed. I got stuck into a Skype call to Charlotte last night. I seem to be spending most of my time talking to her or doing things for her but I do at least feel useful when I am doing things for her. I can't seem to settle to anything else sinse she was made redundant. One minute she is packing up and going around the world, next minute she is going out to Kuala Lumpur to join some guy she met on facebook on his yacht, next minute she is applying for a job - which she knows of course she is unlikely to get since there are hundreds after the same position and it is £15,000 a year less than she was getting. Sorry to go on about it but it is just in my mind constantly. Talking about Skype I finally got set up with a camera and everything and can talk to anyone, anywhere for free with the same facility. It is quite fun really.

Back to business. The filter I use is FRACTALIUS I think you said you could no longer buy it. I have also got Luci's Art which I could no longer buy but my monitor man got it for me anyway. Last night I was in the middle of looking for them on my computer. I have no idea if it is possible to send them to you. Will try and get back to it when I find time.
Your Fractal Works looks absolutely nothing like the Fractalius filter.
I am glad you are still alive. Well so am I. I feel almost as bad as I did when we were in the middle of our divorce. Just wish it would all go away. It seems worse that it is happening to Charlotte rather than to me. Sometimes I just want to go to sleep to forget about it all.
Look forward to your Ford Museum pics. Hope Keith's job is holding up. It would seem a miracle if they can pull the company out of this. We just heard that the head of RBS Royal Bank of Scotland who have been rescued by the Government and lost goodness knows how many hundreds of billions of pounds - has retired at age 50 on a pension of £750,000 a year. He has gone into hiding now I think. But maybe he will feel guilty and give it all to charity. I like to think the best of people.
So can you not think of themes for your Ford Museum pics. If we havn't got anything they will fit you can make more as we havn't allocated them all yet. Also let us see your water droplets.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Oh dear.

I hope things straighten out for Charlotte!!!

It was the buZZ filter I tried to get and couldn't. More later.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I will try to get fractilus soon. Right now I am all tied up with the new house. And doctoring. AK--mammogram tomorrow--no--later today! I need to go to bed!